Heavenly Warm Pineapple Sauce - Half-Scratched (2024)

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Warm pineapple sauce combines crushed pineapple, brown sugar, and hint of mustard—and it tastes like candy! Use it to top baked ham, pancakes, waffles, biscuits or eat it with a spoon!

Heavenly Warm Pineapple Sauce - Half-Scratched (1)

This warm pineapple sauce should come with a warning label due to it's highly addictive flavor. I mean, the stuff basically tastes like some sort of warm, syrupy dessert topping—not that it's a bad thing to have something that good on the dinner menu.

The first time I had this pineapple sauce was Easter dinner years and years ago. It changed my life because I'm not usually one who enjoys the tradition ham at Easter...unless it's Honeybaked and those are a gazillion dollars.

I generally find home-cooked ham, even the spiral cut ones from the store, to be a little on the dry side. But now that we serve this warm pineapple sauce with it, it can be as dry as Arizona in July and I'd eat it.

Heavenly Warm Pineapple Sauce - Half-Scratched (2)

Have I mentioned this homemade pineapple topping has only a handful of ingredients and takes just a few minutes to make? You can have this baby on the table in about five minutes, which is great because it seems I'm always forgetting something when hosting holiday dinners.

Heavenly Warm Pineapple Sauce - Half-Scratched (3)

It's totally okay to forget this sauce because no one will know. They'll simply think you waited to make it so it was fresh and piping hot for that holiday ham!

Heavenly Warm Pineapple Sauce - Half-Scratched (4)

You'll for sure want to add the ingredients for this warm pineapple sauce to your holiday shopping list. But don't worry because you probably have everything but the crushed pineapple in your pantry!

Keep in mind, if you want to use this on ice cream, pancakes, waffles, etc. (sweet versus savory dishes), you'll want to cut way back on the mustard or leave it out all together.

Heavenly Warm Pineapple Sauce - Half-Scratched (5)
Heavenly Warm Pineapple Sauce - Half-Scratched (6)

Warm Pineapple Sauce

Yield: 12

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Cook Time: 3 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

This warm pineapple sauce with its combination of crushed pineapple, brown sugar, and hint of mustard is like candy! No ham dinner is complete without a bowl of this syrupy goodness on your holiday table!


  • 1 (20-oz) can crushed pineapple in juice
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt


  1. Whisk pineapple, brown sugar, mustard, lemon juice, cornstarch, and sea salt in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and simmer, stirring occasionally, 2 to 3 minutes until thickened. Serve warm.
  2. NOTE: If you're using this as a topping for sweet dishes, you'll want to cut the mustard way back or leave it out all together.


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Nutrition Information:

Yield: 12Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 87Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 59mgCarbohydrates: 23gFiber: 0gSugar: 21gProtein: 0g

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Reader Interactions


  1. Alida

    Such an unusual recipe but I can only imagine how delicious it will be. ??


    • Emily Hill

      It really is so dang good!


    • Penny Pelky

      Can this be refrigerated? And for how long will it keep?


  2. Julie

    This looks amazing! I have never thought to make anything like it before! Can’t wait to try the recipe!


    • Emily Hill

      I hope you do!


    • Emily Hill

      That's what is so great--you can keep all the ingredients on hand!


      • Suraya

        Just done myself a pineapple upside down cake.. might use this as a pineapple jam to serve with it!


        • Emily Hill

          That sounds delish!


  3. Emily

    Omg warm pineapple sauce, I'm in heaven. I'd dollop this on top of ice cream...yum!!


    • Emily Hill

      I totally need to try that!


  4. Katie Crenshaw | A Fork's Tale

    This Warm Pineapple Sauce may change my life also! It sounds BRILLIANT! I know it would be great on ham, but it also sounds like it would be fantastic on chicken breasts. Either way, I will be whipping this up to try out for myself soon! Thanks.


    • Emily Hill

      Someone else mentioned waffles. I think it would be great on everything!


  5. Emily Hill

    I'm so sorry it didn't work out for you! Did you include the 1 cup of brown sugar when making the original recipe? Without it, it would definitely be too strong with the mustard.


  6. Sujbear

    Did you forget/leave out the cup of brown sugar?


    • Emily Hill

      Nope! It's in the recipe in both the ingredients and the directions.


  7. Jerry

    I take it the capitol T means table spoon (TBS) or does it mean teaspoon tsp?


    • Emily Hill

      Yes! It means tablespoon. Thanks!


  8. Mary-Beth

    So Good! I cut the recipe down a bit since i was using a smaller can of pineapple and it turned out so yummy.. luv it thanks.


  9. Erica

    That funny because I added more mustard! Haha... to each his own.


  10. Jill

    I made this for French toast this morning. I left out the mustard and added cinnamon. Wonderful! Thanks!


    • Emily Hill

      That sounds like a delicious tweak!


  11. Lynnette

    I don't do a lot of canning, but wondered if this could be canned? What do you think?


  12. Lynnette W

    Can this be canned?


    • Emily Hill

      I wish I knew! I don't can so I can't be sure.


    • Sugar8

      Probably can be canned, waterbath 15 minutes. I'm going to make and can!!


    • Andrea E

      You’d need a different starch so it doesn’t go cloudy. I believe it’s waxy corn starch that you can use to can thickened product.


  13. Linda

    Omg- I managed to turn grilled chicken into a dessert! So yummy!


    • Emily Hill

      That sounds amazing!


  14. Chelsea

    Hi there, this looks great! How long does it keep for? Or do you have to use it shortly after making?


    • Emily Hill

      We usually eat it so quickly, we don't have much left over! But I imagine it could keep in the fridge for 3 to 5 days at most.


  15. Trisha Golden

    I tried this recipe a few years ago & everyone raved about it! I even made extra batches for ice cream----- however, the recipe i used, called for ground mustard powder instead of actual mustard and I found the mustard to not be overbearing or noticeable!


    • Emily Hill

      Awesome! Love it!


  16. David B

    Thank you for the recipe, I just made it ahead of time for Christmas Eve dinner. Tastes great.


    • Emily Hill

      Yay! I'm so glad you liked it!


  17. Michele K Mazurek

    I was so excited to make this to top the banana macadamia nut pancakes my daughter was making. IMO, this would be good with ham ir.other meat but unfortunately following the recipe to a "T", it had too much if a mustard flavor. Boo😔 I only briefly glanced at the reviews and saw all the 5 stars then read them later and those people.hadnt even made it!! Just basing their 5 stars on how yummy it looked or sounded. I wish people wouldn't review recipes until they've actually made them.


    • Emily Hill

      I'm so sorry it was a bit too heavy on the mustard flavor for the pancakes. I will update the recipe to include a note to leave out the mustard if using it as a topping for things like pancakes, ice cream, etc.


  18. Peter S.

    5/5 Stars !!! Made exactly as written except I forgot the salt. The salt in our ham probably made up for my mistake. Everything was balanced perfectly and it was sooooo easy to make! This is a keeper for me.


    • Emily Hill

      I'm so glad you liked it!


  19. Linda

    I added 1/4 tea. Of minced jalapeno to this it gave it a little zip that we like. Cut back on mustard for this. Just for when we make ham and pork dinners. I leave it out for other things like Ice cream.


  20. Heather

    We made ham sliders for Christmas Eve dinner and I wanted to make them just a little different this year. I goggled up Pineapple Sauce and your recipe came up. I made it exactly as the recipe states (used good ‘ol French’s mustard) and this recipe was amazing!! We love this sauce! I just put it inside the sliders before baking. And then served the extra sauce on the side to dip in. Definitely a keeper! We want to use this sauce next time on our shrimp bowls we make.


  21. Mica

    It was a hit at Easter as a dip for our ham. Even the skeptics became fans.


  22. suzi

    I wonder how this would be with sriracha instead of mustard for stir fries/fried rice dishes, or dipping dumplings maybe... an Asian spin on it sounds really good to me! Gonna try tomorrow!!


  23. suzi

    I made this yesterday with coconut sugar and subbed hot chili paste for the mustard for a sweet hot Asian style sauce to go with lettuce wraps. FABULOUS!!!


  24. Shawntel L Fairfield-Carver

    I am making teriyaki burgers but accidentally grabbed crushed pineapple instead of rings for grilling. Do you think this would work for putting on top of burgers??


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Heavenly Warm Pineapple Sauce - Half-Scratched (2024)


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