The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

aaa I WSI I in THE EVENING SUN. BALTIMORE, SATURDAY. JANUARY 23. li32 Quotations On The New York Stock Exchange New York Stock Averages Previou, Today' I Uioh Low Olo Previa Hiih Lote I Stock Since 1 lUividend In 19.38 I iCIote WHEAT PRICES OFF TO UP AT CHICAGO PITS Unsettled Weather And Foreign Conditions Assist In Decline LOSSES REPLACE EARLY ADVANCES IN STOCK MART Traders Consider Plea For Peace Addressed To Dictator Nations Compiled by tha Atsocinttd Pretil SO Indutt. Kail.

1ft Utik 00 Ti Toils. ia rloac BH.9 10.4 35. 48 1 Ni't rliHii(Tf .2 .1 .2 I'n-vlij day 1 lt fj ft 4H 3 77.1 23.3 3fi 1 63.2 Year ap. 60.2 17.7 31.0 421 High (1938-39) 7U 5 23.8 37.9 64.7 Low 11038-39) 49.2 12.1 24.9 83.7 High (1937) 101.8 49.5 54.0 73.3 Low 41337) 67.7 19.0 81.6 41.7 Movement In Recent Years Low O032) 17.5 8.7 23 9 lfl High. I1K9) 148 8 153 9 1 84 3 1 37 7 Low 11027) 61 93.3 1.8 18 Hi AMI HI Hi Hi I I 16 6M 10H 12 5H 20 23 "HI HI gf 17MI HI 13 2g 18 23 HI 15 By Frank Brutto Associated Press Financial Wriler Chicago, Jan.

28 Wheat prices averaged a little lower in quiet trading much of the time today, influenced largely by reports of unsettled weather in the domestic grain belt. A their maximum decline prices were about cent lower, but firmness at Liverpool tended to check selling and frequently helped restore values to near yesterday's close. Wheat closed down to up, May July 69v8-3i; corn unchanged to down, May Sl'g-l-i, July 52U; oats unchanged, May 28'z; soy beans unchanged to li down, May, 8134; rye unchanged to down, May, lard unchanged to 2 cents up. I 17 I 24 -'M 2M HI 42 I Til 12 HI 02 Ml 6M 99 IHl 3HI 8'il 19Tii 1 3'4 8H 19Tg 27 20 Tg 49 Jg 27 69 10 5H 13 6H I HI HI I Ml I 5HI 13H 6H 1121 Ml STi Ml 31 2MI HI HI I HI Ml Ml Ml 7M Ml Hi I 2M' "Ml I Ml 2M 16 18'g 8 6M 5H 43 4M 29 8M 7Ti 50 17? 22 2M 12H 95 13 Grain Price Range In Leading Markets Clue.tffo. Jan 28 (if) Grain ntnga It prinH- pal tiHla i rvmns Clt.n-.

1 2 a r-4 -a 5'' Vt 14 2 'a .4 'a .21 OnCHKM. llltitalHillrf Kan4 City. Winniittt; I.ivennw'l, Man-L. UvcriHMrl. May July Wheal- Chirauo.

Mmutitolt, unvaN 1 ily a WinmjK-K LlV! pool s'lt. Wiieai Chirago City. innipeu. ilet. May Com ChiritKn.

Kana City. July Coin Chicane Kansas lty. May Oat Chiraso a nmeapol)! Vimifg. llinli. Clu .724 AM'? .04 -i .72 .72 ..4 'j i Xrli 7)'-i 7n'4 71 .114 Va .4 A' .47 .52 HI 44 6M Hi 7H I 3 M1 21 HI 31 I 9 Hi 9Hl 3H 9H .2 iLT.S'.i-i'i, 102 trrriouti Today' I CJuael Utah Low 23 107 14 "4 Loom- Wll 92 ILH Wll It Pf (51...

i 18 1 IH.jl 1H t'103 103 105 i 21 HI VI i i'l i 2'1 i.i ri iijOruiani iriu.yi'i 151 125 iLorlllanl (P) pf (7), A Nasli .1 48 49 i 23 4IS.H 32Hi 10 IMack Truckf 49 Hi 24Tii.Macy (R H) (He) "19 HI 10 1 Madison Sq 40HI lSJg IMagma -opper 2 Hi HIManati Sugar 20HI 54iManhat Ry gtd 10HI 2 Hi Manhattan Ry 7 HI Mid Co 10 I 5 Market St Rv pr pf. 14', 6HMarhnM Field A Co. 37 Hi MHiMarllii (Glenn L) 7 HI 2 'iiMarllil Parry 61 I 25 IMasonfle Corp 30 Til lOHIMalhirson Aik llrjl. 53 28HIMAV Kept Strs (3). 15Til KHIMcCall Corp (1) 13MI 6 IMK'rorv Slon-s (4'e).

64 Ml 33H'Mclntvre (2) 26 HI 1 H'McKessport H'i'l 6 I.Mclllan St "HI 7 HI 3 Mongol Co 47H! 26HIMesta Marh 5 14 iami Copper 22H! 12'ilMid-Cont Pet 30HI 15HIMid Steel Prod 92 46 Minn-Honey 8 4 IMinn-Moline 3 HI 1H! Missouri A 1 1 HI 4MiMlssouri A pf 1 Hi Missouri Pac pf Ill 67 IMnnsanto Ch (2). 1 19 il 11 iMonsanlo pr (4 64 HI 25 I.Montg Ward (Hg) 22HI lOMIMotor Prod 32 I 11 HlMeller Br Co l.3.5e).. 8 Hi 4 I.Mullins fg 64 HI 20 IMullins Mfffnr 62 Hi (G llOU'i 95 IMurphy (G C) pr 10H! 4 IMurray C'orp 12MJ fi 29 I 7 Hi Nash Chat A St L. 15il 81, National Acme iNat Aviat Corp Hr- I ISHiNat Biscuit. (1.60) 30 Ml 12HiNat Cash Reg 16HI 11 HiNat Hairy (le) Dairy pf 6 Hi Dept Stores 30 Dist Prod 16 Til 5 Nat Gvpsum Co 31 I 17HINat lad (H 145HS127 Nat Lead pr 9MI 5 iNa- Pow A Lt 1.60)...

81 HI Steel (1) 23 I UH Nat Supply I'enn 4H Ter 12MI 7MNatomas Co 19 9 Hi Newport Ind 48 HI 20 Air Brake 22 HI 10 IN Central 23 HI 7 IN A St I 38MI 12MN A St I. pi 2MI Ti II A II 7 HI 2MIN A pf IHl HIN Ont A 16 Ml 44iN Shipbuilding 90 38 IN Shipbuilding pf. 20 1 5 Tg! North Am Av 26 Hi "HINorth Am (1.20) 57 HI 45H1North Am pr (3) 107HI 87HINorth Am Ed nf 14MI 6 Northern Pacific 100 I 92 Hi-Northern St pf 5 I Tire A 23 Hi 38 16 30Mi IHl 13 I 8 I 4 HI 6 HI 2:1 39 17 I 30 IHl 12 I 8 I 4HI 6 Hi 13 I 30 HI 4 I 4 9 31 I 44 4'l 123! lO I Sll'i; Mi 8Hi 9 HI 39 17 31 i IHl 13 8 I 5 I 6 HI 12H! 12 30 HI 30 .1 4 I 4 .1 4' .1 31 HI .1 44 HI .1 10 I I 50 I .1 It I .1 8 I .1 9 HI .1 .1 3-1 Hi .1 9M! .1 14gl .1 21 Hi .1 71 I .1 5 I .1 IHl .1 HI 49 31 45 12 10 14 8HI 94 I 34 34 I 9 Hi 14 Hi 22 I 69 5 I IHl 6 Hi 1 HI 10 I 14 Hi 23 72 I 5H! IHl 7 I 1H! I 1H Hiuh Loc I Utorki Uinre Jan. 1 Utvilrndt in nan i .1100 1102 101 t.H7Hill7t4'!ll7H117H .1 47 Hi 14H! .1 23 -I 5 HI tl 30 HI I 47 47U'i 14 -3 5.H 30 Hi 23 I 5 HI 30 52 I 1108 I 6Hi 6', 6M! 7H! Is Hi .1 12 HI I 12 Hi .1 23 Hi 22 I 7 7H' 18J.I 18HI 12 11 HI 13 i 12 23 Hi 23 Hi 22 22'4'i 12H. i-'Hl 109 109 '109 4 HI 4 Til 4 HI .1 24 25 Hi 24 H' .1 13HI 12H' 23 'a'! 2ilHi 225sl .1 7 Hi 7H: .1 69 i TOHi 70 ii .1 3H .1 10 I .1 "Hi .1 30 12'4i 12H! 3H 3H l0'4'i 10 Hi 13Hi 13Hi 36 H1 36 H1 lfl'1 10M' .1 17HI 17M .1 17'; 17 I 29 I 1 I 3H Ml 1 2 1 i 79 lOHi 23 Hi 53 I 30 I 1 I 3M! HI 12 1 79 16 24 HI 65 HI 27 1 3 Hi HI 12 I 79 i 10 I 23 Ml AO JlOT.ilOOMilOO .1 ingi 1 1 hi ioh! .1103 104H'104g .1 3 Til 3 Tsi 34'; i 18 105 21 163 4S 23 39 i 17 31 13 8 4H 6H 12 30 4 49 31 4 4 12.

10 50 i 13H 8H 5 34 9H 22 69 5 1H 6Ti I'i 23 I 9H'I 12 Hi 18 Ml HI 35 34 Hi 19 16 3MI 2S i 25 i 22 23 Mi 33 HI 4 Ml 49 Ml 17HI 15 Hi 70 'il 9 HI 107Hi 3 Hi 5'i: lHil 28 I 34 Til 35HI 5S 34 Hi 717il 12g 11 I 17M! 9 HI 10 Sharon St eel 10) 10 I 3 IS burp A Dohme i 6 Ml AMI 4'IShattuck (KG) I 10HI 10 Ml 10 Ishell I'nlon 12g 12HI 44iSllver King I ft HI 6MI 12MiSlinmons Co (1 20 20'4 lSJilSkelly Oil (le) 23 23'i 10 ISmith A Type (1). 13H fHL. I 12Hi 12MI lHiSouth Am GAP 2HI 2Hl 15HiSou Rico 17 Hi 18 I -9 HI Sou Cal Edison dHa). 23Ji 23 Pacif'c I 15MI 16 Railway 17, Ml 18 8aiSouthern Railway 24 Ml 25 2 jSpaiks Withington 2 HI 2g lAMISperry C'orp (1.00e).... 4 44 Ml 74'ISpltrer MCg (He) 13 Ml 6'4lSpiegel Inc I 12 Ml 12 Ml 48 Spiegel Inc pf 02 Ml 2Hl 6 JgiStand Brands Mg) 6'i 94.

(Stand Brands pH4 H). I 99 99'il 1 Com Tob i 1 Til 1 Til 2 IStand A 3 Ml 3 Ml 4 St and A pi $4 8 HI 8. 13 Std A pr pr $7.... 20 20 HI 25 Tg! stand Oil Cal (la) i 27 27 Mi 24 Stand Oil Ind (1) I 26'g 26 HI Oil (la) I 49 Hi 50 (L S) (1 27 I 27 49 (Ster ing lYod (3.8.))... .1 69tgl 69 Hi 6 (Stewart-Warner 10 I 10 Hi 5 Stkely A 6U1 SH'I 5TgStoneA Webster I 14 14 Ml 3 Corp I.

7 I 7 I 128 14 IllOHISun Oil pt (6) til20MH21 I 8lilSunshlne 8HI 17 Superheater H) I 31 1 HlSuperior Oil l.lOe) 24I 8 Superior Steel IflMl 9 I 31 Ml 2MI 16 Ml 18 HI 8MI 6 Ml 5 Ml 43MI 4 Ml 30 Ml 9 I 8 I 50 I 3 Ml 17 Ml 22 Ml 2HI 43 5-al 4H 23 Ml 21 I 10'ii 8 HI 8 i 49 Ml 5Tii 38 I 12H 11M! 60 HI 5gl 21 I 28 Til 4 "Ml 98 I 19MI 55 HI 12 HI 10 Ml 4 Ml 2Sgl 38 I 6 I 15 Ml 90 Ml 22 HI 99 H' S4 23 Ml 13 Hi 43HI 4 Ml 38 I 7M! 10MI 8 Ml 39 HI 68 'il 12MI 14 23 5H 30 rro 15 ISwilt A Co (1.20) I 18 HI 4H Svming Gld ww 8 3TgSyming Old xw 6 Hi 3 Ti'Tennessee Corp 32-MiTexa. Corp (2) Guir 26 iTexas Gulf S11I (2) 7 ITexas Pac CAO Pac 53 IThitrher pf (.360) Co 15 IThermoid pf S'iiThomn Prod 1 MIThomn-Starrett 10'SlTide vat AO (1) 5 Ml 43MI 4 HI 30M! RJa! 8 I 56 3 Hi 10 I 21 2M 1108 6H 18H 1 12 23 Ti 12 12M 12MI 12HI 77HlTide-Wat. A pr (4Vg). 94 Hi 95 I 8 iTimken Axle 14 14HI 31HlTlmken Roll Bear (1). 4 ITranscon A 2MlTri Continental lOM'Twen Cpnt Fox 43 Ml 6 HI 7 HI .1 I 44 Ml 6 Ml 7 Hi 3 I 21 Ml 12H 3H 10 13H 21 Ml Cen 31 M1 31 Hi ITwin Coach 9M! 9Ji 1 M'T'len A Co I 3 HI 3H Bag A 9 Ml 57 il'nion 84 I 84 I 36 10H lpM 17MinnionOil Cal (1.201...

I IS 'il 18H'I 27 I 3H i 12 79 16 23 55 Pacific 90 90 Ml Pacific nf (4) 81 82 I 20 ICnion Tank (1.20).. .1 21 Hi 21 'l 5 U'nited Air Line I 9HI lO'fl lOHiTnited Aircraftd H) I 3SH! 38MI 2 il'nited Corp I 2 Ml 3M' 22MU'nited Corp pf( Hk)-. I 32 Hi 33'4I 32 4Mlt'nlterl Drue I 4 Hi 4 7gi 4MiTTnitcd Dyewood I 6 I 6 H'l 3 (United Electric Coal. 4HI 21T'1Tnited Eng A 30 31 I 50 Il'nited Fruit (lg) 64 64 Hi SM'iVnited Gas Imp (1) 11 Ml '2'gi 111 ilOO U'nited Gas Imp pr (55.111 H'115 lOH'l 6 'Vnited A Inc I 7MI 8'gl SMI 3 il'nited Panerhoard I 5H'I 5Tg! nistrihuting 5Mi 6 I 12MI SM'ITl Freight 8 Hi 8M 115 1 65 ill 8 Gypsum (2) I 97 I 10H 4HiU Hoffman 6 6 I 7MI 3 Hill leather vtc 4 H1 4 Ml 13 H1 5 Mill Leather A vtc I 8gl 8 HI 49 Ml 21 Pipe A Fdy 39'41 40 7 I 2H'U Realty Imp I 4MI 56 Hi 21 iU Rubber 42 HI 43g 101 lil 45HIU Rub 1st pf 96 71 H) 38 IU Steel I 55 i 55 Ml 121 I 91 HH' Steel pt (7) 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 3H' 1, Il'nited Stores A I i lTi1 SO I 48 Leaf Tob .1 7R'gl 75'gl 160 Hi "4 ll'niv Leaf Tob pr(S). 1 TiiVadsco Snles tiioo 159 119 I Mi 15 10 12 6 26 23 12 2 23 I 15 17 24 42 13 11 62 8 99 27 26 49 27 69 10 8 31 10 18 8 6 5 43 4 29 8 50 3 17 22 95 13 44 7 3 21 31 3 90 82 21 36 3 6 31 63 11 1115 6 8 6 41g 93 54 13 1 109 H' 4M 25 12H 22 5 7H 70 83HI 84 18 Chicago Futures HI 90 Cliiraun, Jan, 2-S (41 'losiiitf grain 1100 ion 104 priori wt-n-: 0nn.

Hiall. taiw. Clrar. March till', IIUS May liii'i '4 July tins-', Hi'S-Ti Sci'tcmher Ctrn March no 14 My mi? "2S Sepieniber r2S-S .52 Oats May 2S' .28 July 27, ISciitilnrxr 2li7 .27 Sny Hcail.n Mav St', SI 14 4 2 2 II ye My iS .4 4tl' I ub 47 47 Sepifmlvr 4S' I.aril January. tl IIH It no II i May 7 7ii." 7 112 7il July 7 22 7 22 7.2H 7 22 .1 SH; .1 23 i .1 15Hi -2271 lOHi .1 62 HI 13 I 5HI .1 11 I .1 29 Hi .1 42 HI .1 4 I .1 "HI .1 IHl i i 3T, 8H MI 8H 23 23 I 23 15 HI 13 I 15 23 i '-2 HI 22 11 Hi 11 in 62 I 61 H'1 62 13 M' 13'," SHI 5 HI 5H 11 i 11 1 11 29 Hi 28131 29 41 Til 41 Jg 41 4 HI 4 I 4H 13HI HI IHl 1H lOOHUooH'lOOH 10 Hi '1 1 o.H 93 93 I 93 10, HI 10 10 jg 22 i 22 I 22 12 12 41.

HI 41H! 4IH 16 I 10 10 8H! 8g' io-8i 10', 5.5 I 55 i 55 75 1 75 75 4 I 4 i 4 20 I I9g 19 28 I 28 I 28 7)717 38 I 37 37 4 freviout High I Low I Ntorki 4 Previous, Todav'B Hinrr.lan. 1 In I t'loael lliah I Low 11138 I 15 Nairn I 25 25 I 25 25 14 HI 4UlConnect Uy A Lt tl 6 rt 6 26HI lOHlConaol Alrcr (lc) I 21 21 HI 2ni 20 76HI 65 iConmi Cigar pf 7flt, 77 77 1 77 71 jCon pr 83 I 83 HI 83 83, 34HI 17 ICon Ed (2) 31 31 Hi 30 H1 30 104 I pi 1 103 H103 103HI103H 2HI 1 iConsol Film Ind IHl IHl IHl 12 H' 4HConsol Film pf .1 10 10 10 1 10 10 HI 7 IConsol Oi' (.80) I 81 8H' 8J 5HI 2HConso. Coal 3Hl 17 HI HIContalner Cor 12Til 12 HI 12H 26HI SHlC'ont Baking A 16 HI lOTi' 1HI 16 2HI 1 UiCont Baking 1 HI I'il IHl 1H 49 36HICont Can Hg) HI 39HI 3HI 39 117,1 6 K'ont I1 Fib I I 8 36HI 21HCont insiir (1.00a) 32 32HI 32 i 32 4 HiCont Motor I 3 Hi 3 Hi 3 85 HI 21 HICont Oil of Del 27 27', 20 HI 26 70HI 53 ICorn Prod (3) 62 63 62HI 03, 5HI 2HK'oty Inc I 37, 4 3T 42HI 19 30jl 31H 30tl 30 117 Hi 85 ICrane cv pf (5) 1HW 1 106 1 1()6 106 43HI 31 31 Hi 31 Hi 31 15H 7HICrown Zeller Hg) I 13 I 13 13 I 13 92 HI 58 Crown Zcll pr (5) ti 86 86 85 Hi 85 47Hl lOHiCrucible Steol I 37 8 36 36 13Hi 5 ICuba It f. 5 5 I 5 I 5 6 HI 3 Cuban-Am Sugar 3 HI 3 HI 3 Hi 3f 21HI 12 ICudahy Pack 13HI 13HI 13HI "Vi SHI 4 HICurtis Publishing. 6H: 5 HI 5 6 i 7 Hi 3 HICurtiss-Wright 6, 6 HI 6 Hi 28HI 12 HICurtiss-Wright A 25 I 25'il 24 24 29HI 13HCutler-Hammer 19HI 19 H' 19 I 19 8 HI 4 HlDavega Stores 5Hl HI 11HI 6HlUavis Chem Corp 7 6TI 6 Hi 6Ti 25HI 13HI)eere A Co (1.35e) 17HI 17H 25 19HIOeere A Co pf (1.401...I 24 HI 24l 24 HI 24 25HI 7HHelaware A .1 19 19'ti 18HI 18H 8HI 4 IDelawareLAW I 6H il OH 2HI HIHenver A pf.

1 HI I Ti 40H 25 IDevoeAR A 27HI 28 I 28 28 31 Hi 20HIU amond 29H! 20HI 29lji 29 11 5 Diamond Co I 7 HI 7 HI 7HI Ti 23HI 11 lOistillers Corp (2) I 17HI 1JI 167 34H! 27HlLcme Minr (lg) I 30J, 31HI 31 HI 31 80HI 31 iUouglas Air (3e) I 66 67 Hi 66 I 66 141 9STi Dow Chem Co (3) 19HI lHIDunhill Internat I 16 16 I 15Hi 15H 156HI OO.HIDu Pont de (3 143 HH44 HIH3 143 17, 13 HI Eastern Air Line I 13VJI "HI 13Ji 13H 187 121HIEastman Kod (6) 171m 171 17l 25HI lOHiKaton Mlg I 22 23 I 21 HI 22 SHI 2 lEitingon Schild 24i 2Hl 2, 2, 36HI 13HFlectric Auto 27Hi 27HI 27 lEIectric Boat I 12 12 11HI UH 4 2 Eiec A Mils In( 2H 2 2 2 14 I 6iElec Pow A Lt 10HI 1HI 10'l 105 41HI 18 lElec Pow A Lt SO 32HI 33 32 33 46HI Pow A 36HI 36HI 35H1 35H 35 21HIKI Stor Bat (2) 29 29 29 I 29 30HI 17 IEI PasoO (2) I 28HI 28 HI 28 Hi 28 10HI 2 HIEngin Pub Service I 9i 9 9H 78 38HiEngin 1 15 pf I 73 i 73 73 I 73 80 40 EngPSpr(5H) I 73 I 75 Hi 75H: 75H 9H 2HlErie 1st pr 4 HI 4 I 4 i 4 7 I Hi Erie 2nd pr 1 HI 2 2 Hi 2H 2HEureka Vac I 4 Hi 4 4 I 4 16 5HIEvanj Prod 10 I JJ 25 I 8 lExcHIo Corn 19, HI lHl 19 I 19 2 Hi 1 HI Exchange Buffet 2 1J, 1 Ti! Hi 43HI 19HIFairbanks Morse I 35 HI 37 I 3SH 35 35HI 22HIF-a'ardo Sug Co 27 Hi 27 I 2fHl -7 6 I 2H'Fed Motor i 4 Hi 4 HI 4 HI 4 4 Hi lH'Fod Screw Works 2HI 3i4' 3'4' 2 HI 1 I Fed Water Service I IHl 1JI 1 Hi IH 29 12H'FeI Dept St Htt1 1 21 21 21 21 26HI 16 Vi! Firestone TK (He). 20 HI 20H 20HI 20H 45HI 24HIFirst at St I 44 44 U'l 43'i 31 lOH FIintkote (6()e) I 25 25gl 25 Hi 25 21 i 15 IFIorsheim Shoe A (1). .1 18 17HI 17H 17H 4H 1 HiFollansbee Bros 2H 2Hi 2 HI 21j 29HI 11 I Foster Wheel 23 24 HI 23 23 32 19TiiFreeport Sulpll (2) I 24 H' 21 24 24 97 85 Co pf (6) tl 06H 05HI 05 HI 05 8H Wood Ind A Hi "HI 64' 60HI 29 (Jen Am Tr (2'ae) 51 52HI 62HI 52 11HI 6 Hitien Baking (80e) 8 84 8 HI 5HI 2 HiGen Bronr.e 3 Hi 3 HI 3, 19HI 5 HiOen Cable I 134 13 71 13 I 13 38HI 11 Cable A 274i 26H1 254'l 28 20HKien Cigar (2) 22'4i 22 4'f 21HI 21Ti 48 I 27 Oen Elec I 3H'I 38g; 38 40HI Food (2) I 36H 37 4' I 37 I 37 Foods pf (4 H). lll 16 HU 16 Hil 16 1H. Gen tl A A i HI 7 79 50HlOen Mills (3) 73 Hi I 74 71 53H 25H jn Motori HHO I 4 1 HI 45 I 434'l 44H 9HI 4 Uen Outdoor Adv 5H 5H -HI 6 1 12HI 6HiOen Print Ink He) I Til i 8, 2HI lHIGen Pub Service 1 1 Hi 1 1 28 12 iGon Ry Signal 20 H1 21 21 21 2 Hi 1 Kien Real Utilities I l4' 1 H1 1 1H 26HI 13HlGen Real pr.

I 177i 17 17 I 17 41HI 15H Gen Redact I 29 Hi 304'l 30 i 30 27HI 9 HiGen A Co He). 20H1 20 I 20 11 HI 6HiGillette Saf Ti 7 rg 6'g 15HI 5 IGimbel Bros 10 10 Hi 10 '4i 10 28 HI 13 Kilidden Co I 19'l 20 20 I 20 3 Hi 2HIoebel Brew (.20) I 2 HI 2HI 2g! 2g 26HI 1 IGoodnch (B F) 19HI 1 4' IS'f 38HI TAR 30 Hi 31 I 30 HI 304' 100HI 69H'ijoodyear TAR pf 102 H1102 2 I Graham-Paige 1 I 1 Hi 1 i 1 8Til 2HiGranby Co (15e) HI 5HI 54'l 5'f 2HI 1 i rand Union 1H 1 4 1 22HI lOHItiranite City 16 15 15 30 I 19 Grant (W T) I 25 26 20 20 24H 20 lGrant(WT)pl (1) 23 Si I 23HI 23 Hi 23'4' 31 12 Great Nor pf 23s. 24g 22H 22Tg 1HI OHIGreat Nr t) ctr 13HI "HI "HI 32 I 23HlGreat Sug (2 I 24 HI 24 Hi 24 Hi 24 29HI 13HGreen (HL) (1.60a) 25 25 HI 25'4l 25 22 17 I 17H 1H 16H 13 pf 11HI UHl 11 HI 1 1 13HI 5 IHall (WF) Print 9 9 9 fl 34HI 15 lllarb Walk 24 HI 2.5 Til 25 25 HI 1 HiHayes Body I i 3 3 I 3 111 76 Hazel At Glass (5) il02g l03 11HI 5HiHecker (.60) 10Hi 10gi 10HI 10H 20Hl 10 IHerculea Motor 13HI 13J 134 1 .1 87 42HiHercu'p Powd 72 76 76 76 60 40 Hershey Choc (3) 57 51 54 109 I 80 jllershey Choc pf (4a). .107 107 Hi 107 H'107 63Hi 17 lllolland Fur 43 I 43H' 43 43 105HI 83 HI Household pf 5) 105 Ti 106 Hi 106 1O0 23 HI UH Holly sugar I 12H 13 i 124I 13 66 1 48HiHomeslake 3 64 61HI 64 19HI 6 IHoudaihe 11 3 3 'Xl 13 13 HI 5 Houston Oil 64'i 35H, 205gHudson Bay (1 He). 31 31 31 HI 31 10 5 IHudson Motor Car.

7 6HI 64'l 6H 2 HI HI Hupp Motor Car 1 HI 1 HI 1HI 1 20HI 6 Hi Illinois Central i 15g "HI 15 15 44 HI 23 illlinois (4) 41 41 41 30HI 14HHndust Kayon 25 Til 25 H' 25 25 119 HI 60 linger Rand (5 He) 107 1107 1(17 107 95 66 HUnlanda Steel (2 He) 81 HI 81 HI 80 Hi 81 19Hi 7 Hi Inspiration Cod 12 13HI 12HI 12V4 34 HI 15 llntflrchemlctvt Corp I 23 23 23 23 98 I 80 llnterchem Cr pi 92HI 2HI 92 92H 9 HI 2Hilnterboro 7 16HI 6Hilnterlake Iron I 1 1 Hi UH 1 1 70 I 48 lint Harvest (1.00) 65 654'l 55 65 9g 3 Hllnt Hydro A 64I 7 I 6'l 64' 4 Hi 2 llnter Marine 4 34I 3j 3H HJii 6Hllnter Mines (He) 7gl 7H 7,, 7, 67 36H lnt Nick (2) 47 HI 48 47 48 15H 4Hllnt Paper A Pow 1 1 g. 12 I 1 1 11 52H! 18H lnt Paper A pf 44 4HI 42 Hi 42 6 2Hint Rv Cent Am ti 3 HI 34i -''HI 34 4SHI 2SH lnt Ry A pf (1 41 42 42 42 35HI 28 jlnternat Shoe (Us) 1 33 32lg 32H- 32H 12 1 nternat Silver 22HI 23gl 23Hi -3 11HI 5 Hi' nternat Tel A Tel 8 8ig 7Ti 7J, 11 Ti 6 lint Tel A Tel ror ct. 8 bjg I 8 18 6Hilntertat Di pt .1 11 Hi 11 11 11 131 113HHland Creek pr (120 120 i 1 20 111HI 68 Uohns-Manville I 90 Hi 91 I 90 HI W'H 78. Steel pf .1 52, 62 52 24HI 12 HI Kalamazoo (Hg) i I 15 15 HI 15 13 HI 5 HI Kan City Sou. I 8 sfj; 16 HI lOMIKavser (J) 15 15HI 15 Ml 15 14HI Wh A i HI 94I lift, 10 HI 3 IKelsey-Hay Wh i H.Hj 6 Hi HI 51 I 26HIKennecott Cop (1 i 35 Mi 36 Mi 85 HI 35 14HI A lOHi 10HI 10 H' 1H 30 I 19 IKimberly Clark (1) 22 23 23 2.1 19HI 9 IKinney 15 pt (1 15 15 I 15 15 22Hl 15HiKresge S) (1.20) i 2UH! 2H4' 20MI 20 31 HI 22 Kress (S H) (1.60) 20 25 Hi 25 Hi 25 23 Hi 12HIKroger (GAB) (1.60).

'Zihii 22HI 23 1 8 ILaclede Gas ti 11 I 11 I 11 I 11 17 Co (Hg i 14 HI 14 HI 14 HI 14 Jg 31 Ml lOHILee RubA Tire (H). .1 27 27Hl 27 27 2.5HI "HILehlgh Port (H). 20 20 20l4 20 5HI 1 Tii Lehigh Valley Coal laf. 2Jgl 2 HI 2Jg 7 HI 3 iLehigh Va ley Jt 4 HI 4 HI 4 HI 4 29 lOMiLebman Corp 23H( 23 HI 234I 23H 14HI A Fink (1 He) 10 HI KHI lo'ii lOJg 35HI Stores (2) 27HI 28 I 2S 28 9 5 HI Lib McN A Lb 5HI 6'4'l 6HI 5 1. 58MI 23HIUb-0-Glass (1 He) i 44 44 I 43 I 43 103HI SlHlLlggettA My .102 1102 40HI 20 HI Lima Locomotive i 31 I 31Hi 30 30 62HI 33 llxews Inc (3e) I 40 40 Hi 40 I 46 i4 11 Hi HHofi Inc i 10 i SHI Sj 63 HI 26 iLone Star Cem (1) 52 53 (52 52 5Hi 2HiUag BeU Lumber 3Hi 3 Hi 3HI 3.H Ml I 30 I 30 I .10 I 24 H'l 2.1 23 14 HI 32M OHl 29 Hi 15 Hi 76 21H! 9HI 15 Hi 30 I 44 HI 6 I 19HI 2 I 102 I 14HI 107 Hi "Ml 30 I 3H! 42 21 HI 14MI 58 Ml 85 HI 6 Ml 21 Til 43 i 8M! 47 Hi RMIOhlo Oil f.20e) 19 VgiOliver Farm Etniip.

7 HlOmnil us Cor (1 "MiOtls Elevator tl Steel 40 iOwenlll (He) 10H 34 9'i Pacific Coast 1st Pacific Coast 2d Pacific Fin Cor (1.20). Pacific ti A (2) 22 32 3H i Pacific Light IPackard iPan Am Airways IPanhandle PA 11 1 Paraffine Co pf (1 5H i Paramount 10MI 93 1 10 22 T'jl 1 Hi 41 il 1 5 I MI 10T.I 55 i 75 3 19MI 28 HI 6 HI 36 HI 65 6g 10 IH Param Pic 1st pr Param 2nd pr Park A TilTord Park Utah 31 il'ark Davis IParker Bust Pr 13 3H Pathe Film Corp Patino Mines (le). 8H 41 55 IPenirk A Ford (3e). i Penney (J 2H 14 17 4H 17 Penn Dix Penn It He Pore Marti pr pf. Pfciffor Brew HO Phelps Dodge (le) 1 IPhila A Read A 93 I 38 41 ,1 7 Hi i 12 4 fHl HI 20 Hi 8 I HI 93 Hi 39 I 41 I 7M 12HI 4 H' 7.

Hi 41 143MI 44 Hi 43' 9 I 17 7 Hi 9Hi HI 25 si 11 I 16 Hi 3M 75 27 30 la Phillip Morris Phillips Pet (2) Phoenix II pr 38 i 40 7H- 4 6 oil pf jl'ltt-s A West Va 12 4H 7 3H Plttshnrhn Coal Pitts Screw 4H 'i 15 8 6H IH Pittston Co I Ply mouth Of (1.40)... IPond Creek i Poor A Co Por Ric Am Tob A. 20' 8 20 '4- 8 12HI 12HI 1MI 11 Hi lHi What Stocks Did Today Yest'y. Advances 215 478 Declines 282 lf Unchanged 198 156 Total Issues 690 800 New 130S-'39 highs. 3 4 New 1903-33 1 6 Shares traded today, 582.530.

By Virion EVbank. Associated Press Financial Writer New York. Jan. 28 Stocks hesitated en the rallying side in today's market end, after an early mild advance, most turned downward at the close. Losses cf fractions to around a point predominated.

DsaLngs never were lively enough to warm up the ticker tape and transfers far the two hours approximated 6Vi.CX! shares. The belief was still present in financial quarters that the dictator nation! would get together with France and Er. gland to avoid a disastrous war but speculative contingents inclined to step carefully in view of forthcoming speeches of Chamberlain and E-tler which, it was recognized, might prove important market factors. The strong plea for peace, broadcast to Germany by 18 prominent Englishmen, stressed to market followers tension which exists abroad, and wa. interpreted as a move toward cooperation on both sides of the Rhine.

The sharp runup in the stock list Friday, it was said, at least called for a brief resting period even if the forward march is to be resumed. The New Deal defeat in the Senate en the relief appropriation contest was received with mixed feelings in boardrooms and was thought to have been a neutral market motivator. The consensus was that spending in the long run would be curtailed but little. American Securities Up At Amsterdam American securities pushed higher in Amsterdam, the only large European market open on Saturday. Some buying from abroad was also noted in New York, but this was minor.

Although the domestic business picture was still a bit spotty, observers hcd the idea seasonal declines in some industries may be leveling off. Aircraft did well for a time in the wake cf the administrative approval of French plane purchases in this country and indications Congress would quickly answer the President's plea for a $50,000,000 fund to begin defense airplane building at home. The majority cf these stocks slipped at the finish. On the belated retreat were United States Steel, Bethlehem. General Motors.

Chrysler, United States Rubber. Sears Roebuck, Boeing. perry, American Telephone, Westinghouse, da Pont, Great Northern, American Smelting and Loft. Live-Stock Markets Baltimore 1t the United S''e IHprtment cf Baitau ot Agriculture fcencaiict) Jan. 2S rvjnpnred with Friday last jxrs luoatiy lower; heifers a-- y-tviv: tuij.

atrong to 2-1e. hitfiitr. M- Jiuic good srade around pound t-w and iart loas. 210 rx iui l. liialtr.rt": week' too.

1 i mdi around 1 lOO-pound i.iiu and low medium grade --m 7ft: small 1 axd S24-pouiid 1 rum and medm-n a -l grade pe-f to $7 21 or above: ad medi'-m fat row? low c--er ar "titter- KiKk plain and ni 2.17..H, oid bead weighty av rids 7 Af.VL N- Compared with Friday hitiiir l.ood grade venl- fllfca I I 7a H. ja fct sieaoy with yes'erday i 4.1a ta, I2i-14- pound. 2a 4 pnn t- ii.r i'-o iM'ttrt'i. IT i sow. I'mnrifl a -j ma-aer mostly 1.1c h'gher f- and th.

fartemd on gar- 1 and Tf premiums occasionally r-iilril mi! rr.nsitmtnpnt bougfit rtt are ret reyrewntej the abtite rIT.FP No Teceinn rrmpard wdh late fit lan n-arket or nw-re tower: foa it rtfclme- week's tup. Jlindm Hiik oo1 and chore a and ifbrn that lit 10 vi -urr-ie' p.iti!. JV2." down; piairt and -ad linw 7 "Oj' fa platich'er rr-e. sron 'o 50f. bisbcr, from $4.50 Chicago January I' 'P v-'-fs wer.

to 9hnTrs and small t-iu the -a. able aurt'Sy esoep-. -i rhfre we-e few zA and a. m.irat. Kereitts were wa -wid for tw- Toad' of -hr-rt load of 24i t- brf 7 Tr ni rated with a weeK a-r s- a'd '-L' s'-e poundes generfl'ly wt4 htt: I prlirda tip to m.

r.n'ki.' nn to 3tk an- rr me yearlings wen steady Ftidsy of lat w-th a top i yeatirrz and hikfiTT teer were steady to jisf- r.r rhire yearling and heiry wo- Uiwar. rroatiy own if mrr. Fed heifer wre ai. a nn- mws were i v- rf? 2-V. to F-t ItV to h'zTier Tnte Frf- a t- 4 tnn.

fchewp -e strong to l'omprn 'h a er ao tar n- -ere toWlr. higher and i -dv t-. Vntvr and 1 a- iTyr; etei' naMy amall: few 't r--d and roi(-e v.r.c here: two lrad i T--e. St: s'ort lrd 7 ti- (nplr trik t.rf- i --r iare-l Hffl ac rrod and etroire mr. up S-'aS-V.

hie'ner: pacing TI -F- -mrfd Tweirf. 1V r.TTK r-d nore romiared Fnday rhnif and orirre Tpar'tnr tunc yrarlirus and I'Cht seer v. rrfT.a:aKte teer steady to h.v.f 19 fpw aN-rp j- i- -i -o a' hearr Irwrr. mr'r off with hear ea a3 n.T mon mdinrn etaitiK steadv a. -r f-'n-- tp-t moe'ly T' rer market, with aera-e pri'-e T- ye-r e'rllef fed ilfeT vli hf iir.t heifers r.o- a wa eff: httl' 2Sa.4ir down a rsV fe-J 'Ora "IV.

huer; Tenr ifmif rt earr'e arail'e jt SV "0 down 7 ordn.g to breeding and I Kt mn ti-JV- to 0.4rt. hula l-o and i-r hffher a -n irf 4a4 7T. Tr- 'I-? WT w. fit: r' lutrr und yearling f'-t- 'i-l -frr feertin K. too ff.t yVMTerr larntK a i.

-r, and r-ftf Ber trr tta --tT f(5- rrod a-Ut da-' ftee- 7 IV in- Jh 'It tto-e feeding Iambs occaaionaul? trevtoua tiioi iLotD I Stock i Sinrr Jan. HDivtilend in 1938 frfpfoml ToHav't I C'oel Hioh Low Clot til 12 30 67 13 i 17 Vi 21 29 197 Lab (1.60a)... 65 6Adams Lipresa 7, 56 'i I 66 8J 8Ji 24 HI 24 Hi 24 65 65 Ml 55 MA Mil 7 a 16 AddrrsBt irraDh 1 .40) I 24 66 ti 40 jAir Hetluctlon JlAir-Way Appl 6 Alaska Juneau Alleg pi ($30) 7 4 A Hep Corp pr Lud Stee-. 9 Hi Hi 9H 20 11 HKI 10HI 14 I 13H 21 I 21 1 20 I 124 iAHied Dye (6). 173141173 1173 1173 14 8 Allied Mills I 11 Til 11 Til nil 11M 13 XI 55 HI 3J-SI 78 i 23 HI 63 4 V4 1 Allied Stores 34 iAlli9 Chalmers (1H.

lJilAmal Leather 55 lAmprarla Corn (21 I si 9 i 8i I 41 HI 1KI 0HI 'OJi I 2 I 2 I 2 2 62:, 62fl 62 62 i 10 Bank Note I 14 Ji 46VilAm Bank Note nf 56 14 56 14 a- 56 6 I 43 Se 6 43 5 a I Am Bosch 6K 541 23'iiAm Brake Shoe 43H 43 135 1114 iAm Bra 1130 ,130 130 105 HI Can (4) I 92 I 93 92 I 93 35 57' 24H 125 I 15 I S3 Ji! 12HArn Car Fdr I 25 26 HI 241 24 27 Am Car pf 424' 42HI 2H 42H Chain 70e) I lMl 191 19 Ji; 19i SSH'Am Chicle (4a) IllSH 9 iAm Com AlrnhoUi 9 HI Hi SJiiAm Crvtal Suear I 8 HI 62 IAm Cv Sue 1st 63 I 8 Hi 63 4 I 7A 8J 63 4 2H 8 4H 31H 43 6H 63 4 I 2 HI 8 I 4 HI 31 Hi 43 H'j 2HIAnri F.ncaustic I 3 J-J, 2 I Am For Power I 3 5J8'Am A For Pow 2nd 7Hl 2 Am Hide Leather 4Hl 12 A- I path nf (lk). I 31al 3 1 8 i 4 HI 31 Hi 43HI 6 23Hi 36 46 I Home Prod (2.40) 43 I 4 H'Am International I 6 HI locomotive I 22MI BH 30 ni! 45 I 29 Ml 47 41 19HI 24 "A 80-a'l 2211 22 10 IAm Mach 13H 13 HI 13HI 13H 23 Am Metal (le). I 33HI 34HI 33HI 33 20 'Am News Hp)- 24 HI 24 I 24 I 24 3'riAm Power 5H, Hi 30 HI 34 Hi 5H 39 34 19 iAm P4LJ6 pff Hk). 16 Hi Am 9 Am Rad'ator 13H'Am Roll Mills r.B lan. lilla nf I 40 I 34JSI I 15 I 4011 35 H' 15 17 HI 14 15 16 HI 17 17 65 14 64 65 I 65 2flHi 12 iAm Safety 14HI 14HI 14HI 58 HI 2HIAm Smelt A 43 Hi 42 HI 42 140 1103 (Am A It 7 pf (7).

..133 13t 1132 1132 63 I 45 IAm Snuff (3a) 41 i 15H Am Steel Fdy 11 Hi Store? I57HI1H Am Tel A Tel (9) 88 HI 68 IAm Toharro (5) 91 HI 58 IAm Tobacco (51... 152HU30 IAm Tobacco pf 3T2lAm Tvne Fdrs 61 I 61 HI 61 61 .1 31 I 31 Hi 30 HI 30 .1 10HI 10 I 10 151 HU51 Hilr.0H "150 .1 81 81 81 81 84 Hi 84 Hi R4 HI R4 .150 150 150 1150 611 6 HI 6 HI 12 5 36 5f 27 lfil.i 6 IAm Water Works. 3tf'Am Woolens 'I 37 I 12HI 5 I 36 12 5 I 36 Hi 45 0HI 23 Hi Am Woolens pf .1 .1 4 Hi Am Zinc LA 5 HI 6 SHI 91 I Anaconda Con (Hel. .1 27 HI 28 HI 27 H. 21 31 10S Anchor Hock 17 17HI 17 HI 25 HI 25 Hi 25 Hi 25 if 20 lArch I A 7 I 72 I 3 HI Armour of III 5SU I Armour of III nr 5 5H 5 Hi 6H 44 47 10 44 44 I 44 48H! 47HI 47H 9HI 9HI 9H 8.

HI SHI I a I 59 Hi 13 I 10 HI 24 xi Arm rone Cork( 5H'Arnold Const 2WArtloom Co I 12 Hi 4 iAsjri Dry 5oods 8 90Hi 90HI 90HI 90H 95 I 72 lAssoc In pf ww 44 Til 22HIAtch TASK 72 I 40 lAtch A pf(le). 30 14 Atlantic 27 17 H' Atlantic 9Ti! 5H' Atlas Corp (He) 68 136 Atlas Powder (2 He). 6Ul 2KAuburn Auto 34 34 V4 33 H' 34 61 HI 61 HI 61 I 61 21 I 21 4 21 't 21 .1 21 HI 21 Hi 21 HI 8 8 .1 58 I 61 I 61 21 8 61 3H 3 7H 12 6i 7H 22 16 I 3H! 3 HI 3 HI 5 HI 8 Hi 17HI 11 1 2 I.Austin Nichols Cor (18He) 5 Baldwin Loco ct 4 IRalt'tnore A Ohio 5 Baltimore A Ohio pf. .3131 I .1 7H' I 13 Hi 13 Hi 12 H1 6 I 6t 6 Hi 13 Hi I 7H I 24 I 15 7H 23 16H 7 Hi 22 HI 16'fl 36 23 Bane A Aroost (2H). 23HI 12H'Barber Asphalt 21 10H Barn1all 1 15 15H 19 HI 11 HiBeatrice Cream (la).

17HI 17HI 17HI 17H 5H Beldine Hem 30H! 8-i Bendix Ayiation. .1 9t MUI 91 49H1 50HI 49' I 49 56 26H Best A Co I i Ctoal .1 f3Hi 63 HI 62 I 62 fH I I -4 nri I 111 umi 1SJII 12H'B'tf Steel 5 pf 16HI lHl 1HI 1M 115 I 75' Steel 7c. pf 107 1107 1107 80 29 17H Bigelow San vrs 22 HI 22 HI 22 UH Blaw-Knox I 13H1 "HI "HI 13H 19 HI 35 Hi 30 HI 55 I 14 Hi 19 HI 36 Hi 16 I 37 44 Hf 14 Hi 46 I 23 HI 14 Hi 13 8 i 55 Hi 30 I 39 I 16 HI 22 3H 19 IBoeine Airplane 15H Rohn lum 40 IBon Ami 9 IBond Stores 15 IBorden A Co (1.40e. 16 M' Bore-Warner 4 iBrewine Corp SH'Brideeport Brass. 12H Briees Mfe (le) 28 i Bristol Myers (2.40).

5H'Brooklyn Man 16 Brooklyn pf 10 Brooklyn Union Jas. 5H Brunswick-Baike Cle) 5T Bucyrus-Erie 3H Budd Mfn 25 iBudd Mfe tl pf. 3 iBudd Wheel 13HiBullard Co 15H Bulova Watch 6H'Burline Co (1) 14 X' Burr Ad Maeh 27 Hi 27 Hi 26 HI 26 22 i 23 22 23 52 I 51 H1 51 Hi 51 13 I 13 i in I 11 atl 16 Hi 1 Hi 1 HI 1H 2 25 25 Hi 25 6H' 12H1 23 HI 43 HI 6 Hi 614 12H 23 43 12 12 22 HI 4.1 43 .1 ll'i 1 1 HI 10 HI 38 I 10 3S 39 I 39 16 Hi 16 16 H1 i 11 11 I 11 Hi 11 10 HI 10 HI 10 I 10 6HI Hi 44HI 44 I 42Hl 42H 4Ul 23 HI 4 HI 4 Hi 24 HI 24 I 24 26HI 27 12H 13 I 26 HI 26 I 12H 12H 16 1H 16 HI lHl 1 1 HI 7HI 7H! 16 1 Bush Terminal new Rii Rutlpr Rrot 1H 7H 10 24 5 7HI 16 Butler Bros pr (1H)- .1 19HI .1 3Hl 19 HI 19 19 2 Butte cop A 6 IBvers (A Ml .1 hi 9 HI 9 HI 3H 15Hi 44 Hi 22 24 HI 51 i 2 Hi 10Hi 20 21 HI sh 42 8 Hi 107 HI 26 HI 19 Hi I iHl "ill HI 14 I 8 HI 59 HI 13 I 33 Hi 106 39 HI 4 1 1HI 6 HI 5H! lSJji 1 1HI 20 Hi 1HI 3 I 13HI to HI 5H 115 9H 20 iByers iA pf. tl 29 HI 13 Byron Jack Us) 115 I 31 I 31 I 15 HI 15 I 31 15 15H California Pack. I 15Hi 1 I 1 I 16 45 (California Pk pf 49HI 49HI 49HI 49 1 ICallahan Zinc A 1 li 1H IHl 1H 5H Calumet A Hecla(He)l HI 6H 8H Campbell (WAC) I 14 14 14 14 12H Canada DH A I 17J 17MI 17 I 17 I 44 5 4T-gl 4H 21 Cannon Mills .1 31 Ml 32 32 32 4 Capital Ad 6Hl Hl Hl 62H Case (J I) (5e) 82 i 82H.

82 82 29 Tr (2) 43HI 43UI 43 43 9 Celanese Corp I 18H1 18j 1H 12H Celotex I 15HI 1 I 35H! 15H ISHiCent Aeuirre 21 M' 22H! 21 22H 2 (Central Foundry I 3J! 3Ji 3.i 3H 99H Ont 111 pf (4H t110 jlll 111 6 Central -N 7717 4 ICent Viol Sugar 26HICerrode Pasco 4 HI 4 HI 4 HI 4H 41 I 41 HI 41 i 41 9HI 10 I 9H! 9H 24 I 24 I 24 I 24 4H5trtain-teed "rod IS Champ A 94 IChamp A pf (6) 22 IChes A Ohio He)-: 1 'Chicago A III t'100 1100 1100 1 100 I 33 HI 33 H1 33 HI 33 2HI 2H 2HI 2H Ohicaeo AN 2 IChicaeoA 2H Chicago Ot West bTiChicago Mail .1 Chicaeo St A HI 2H 2H. 11 Hi Hi 2 HI 2HI 11 I Hi 15HI lHi 9 Hi 68 1 2H 2H 11 if 15H 1H 2 Hi 2 HI 11 I HI HI 15 HI Hi IHl 9Hi 70 HI 80 hi Chic St A i Til 1 16HI I HI 1 lHi 9HI I 69 80 1 6HiChicaeo Pneu Chicago 1 A 1 3U iChilds Co 35Hl-'nrysler Corp 59 'City 1 A pl(6H- 2 ICity Stores 68H 80 HI 0H 3 HI 3H 3 HI 106 iCley A 111 pf(4 H). tlH4 114 1114 1114 iOH! 76 euHi 29 HI 1' 1 39 Hi 23 HI 5.2 Hi 12 h. 9 Hi b3 19 I 59 Ti 64 12 2H 2 Hi ISHICIev Orap (le) I 67 iClev A Pittsb (3H) 24 HI 24 HI 24 HI 24 74 HI 75 1 75 1 75 51 Hi 62Hi 51 I 61 25 I 25 Hi 25 HI 25 11 HI 12 Hi 12 I 12 26H1 26H; 26H! 26H 17 17 Hi 16 Hi 16 15H. 15Hi 15H 15H 16 I 15HI 15 15H 7HI 7Hi 7Hl 7H 78 I 78Hi 7S I 78 11 HI 11 Hi 11 I 11 48 I 48HI 47Hi 47Ti 51 I 51 51 I 51 12 HI 12 HI 11 HI 11 27I4I 27 27 27 lHi 1H1 1H 32 Climax Moly (1.20a).

10 Cluett Peabody 4.85e).. 2,5 UHiCollinsA Aik (Ike). 9 Colo. ado Fuel A 13HiColum Brd All He) I 13 IColum Brd 5HI Columbia A 57 (Col A A IColumbia Pic (2HD .1 23 Com Credit (4) I 31 HiCom Inv Tr (4) 5HiCom So.v I 22 Hi Common Ed (1.60) I jCommon A Southern 02'ii92'i 82 I 9M I 21 9H 37 3H 32 4 i 5H' 4H1 Ml 5'41 I 31 Hi 6.1!4 HI 12 Hl5 7H'i 7H 5M 6 6 4MI 4M 8ig 81g 39HI 39 4MI 4M 41g 9.1 Hi 54 1 3 Tg 7fi 1 Ti Local Grain Market C.417 barrels, ir.cluilinaT barrels afloat. 75H1 75Jg Market qu ct UH-pcund new eottou aacia.

lTiptT ratenia Winter MtraiKht Spring Patent Slirinji Straight Hani Winter Patent Haiti Winter Straight Kve Klnur. rtark to white II 14 40 1 2'ia3 ,1 B. loi.l S.I 4 i-S 4 7 4 HI 4 a n4 10 38 I 38 H'HKAT-Ilm nits. (il.V.r. bushels.

MiinilKnti 23 H1 23 from elevator. 21.P7.1 buthrln. le- tatirs. 3 HI 25 I IH' 3JS Hixning quotations: No. 2 red winter, gar- 25 1 Ti H'Ky.

aiajt. diiiiiL-lic. 77Sc. 77 Se. Jatjtlary tie liTvry.

Settlins rrkt: No. 2 red winter, garlicky. spot, domestic. 77 Sc. CO KX Keceiptx.

14.07S InishHs. Shipmenti from elevators. buslitjs, stock jn elevators. ti.1.1.,122 bltnliels. No.

2 yellow corn. OATS No Shinmenta from li-tors. 2.10 bushels. Slock in elevators, 30.721 bushels. ill lairs to the local trade, eioept to those on track, there ii in additional of ISc.

per bushel for storage and eleTiuoo, which is paid by the buyer No. 2 white cats. 4 2a 17a Ptclflc Cotut No. 1 while oats. rlHail2c.

HVK l.cveipu. I.7H0 bushels. Shipments from 1.2.10 bushels. Sto-k in eletatora, (W-(111 huhels.

II A No receipts. Ceneral market cniet Tr g'vd timothy, cloyer and mixed hay urn-e an Sloalll pe' to 1 'Phe poorar grades are hard tn s-ll and the maifcet is irrc-gular on ill gridei below Nn. 3 STRAW -No recelpti. Market for straw steady. Wheat straw.

No. 2 per ton, 17 50. ind oat' straw No 2. ner Inn. MILL KKKD No receipt.

Markrt sp bran and mi l-Hini: Sprinat bran, per ton. to'i-'li. acka. maiidaril middling. 25,,10 a27 HAKT.EY No receipts or shipments frowa elevators Stock In elevators.

1.S47 busbeli. 4 1 16 45 I 6M 5 HI 2 7i! 10 I 26 I 2 ti 16 43 6H 5H 2H 10 26 19 HI 19 28 HI 28 2M 25 1 i 4 25 91 hi 91 121 1 5 1 1 5 23 'g 23H 1 20 20 25 ii 25' 9Ti IHl 15HI I Hi 9H IH 15 3 2H 4M I I Ml Hi 16H 4M 20 47H 17H i6 i 16 COLDS 1 05 16 COUGHS DUE TO COLDS I I I 41 25 17M 3 FINANCIAL, DIVIDENDS, ETC. TO THE BOI.PEUS OF C'ONSOIjnATED TITLE CORPORATION COLLATERAL TRI ST 6 SINKINi; Ft 1NCOMK BON DS t)i El "EM II EU 1. 10.11. Notice il hereby given that in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture of Trust dated as of December I.

lii.1t, from Consolidated Tit Incorporation tn the undersigned as Trustee, securing the above riescrilied bonds, the undersigned has dnwn by lot for redimption on March 1, at par plus icCTued interest to the re demption date, bonds of the aald isaoe. beirina the following serial numbers: 30 Ml 114 Hi 30 i.i 42 I 25 H'l 5 Mi 32 4HI 4MI 54 I 10 Ml 8 I 4 751 16 H'l 31 I 25 I 34 4MI 39 I 97 120 i 14 Van Haalte (2) I 30 97 (Van Raalte 1st pr(7). 1 1 Vanadium Corn. 30'i Vick Chem (2a) 13H Victor Chem 2M'Va-Caro Chem 15H Va-Caro Ch 6 .1 37MI 38 23 HI 23 3 Ml 3M" 25 Ml 25 1 .1 lH.Ya lr Coal A 1 Mi Wabash pf A 1 3 ii I Walgreen Co 30 IWalker (H) A (4). 4 Mi Walworth Co I 3 Warner Bros 1 Bro 5 1 Warren Bros cvt pr.

16 Hi barren Fdy (2) 11 I Waukesha (1 17 1 Wayne Pump 1 Webster-Eisenlohr 1 IH! 2M1 16 Hi 16 M' 42 6 Mi 5M' 2H 12 I 25 H' 1 8 28 i 2MI 25 91 43 7 I 5 HI 2 HI 10 1 26 I 19M 29 I 25 HI 40 12 4'i 25 IWesson OAS 71 I West Penn El pr (6). 116 I West Penn Pow plf7) .1 ti 91 20 8 121 H122 119 111 Hi West Penn Pow i 6 i 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 H'i 1M 1 "a 10 54 26 1M! 3M 34 HI 33 Hi 121 Mi 32 Ml 15 Ml 3 24 Ml 3Hi 3Mi 6 HI 5 Mi 27MI 53 Ml 12 Western Auto (1). 24 23 H1 i Western Pacific Western Pacific pf. 10 Hi Western Union 15Mi Westingh A 61 i West ins EAM (2 14 Hi Wheeling Steel 6 HI White Motors 1 Hi White Sewing 8 Mi White Sew Mach 1 Wilcox Oil A Gas 1 i Willys Overland SHi Willys Overland .1 1 Vilon A Co 10 Hi Woodward Iron 30 I Wool worth Co (2.40).. 1 1 HI Wortbington 20H Yale A Towne in MM IH I 20 HI 25 103 I 2.1 HI 10 IH! 15HI 3 I 2 HI 4HI 4 20'g 47MI 17 27 17 1 10.1 23 HI 118 32 llH! 1 HI "Hi 3 I 2M! 4Ti 4 20 Hi 48 I 100 '4- 33 9 70 UH 6 62 2H 14 131, I'i 39 I 21 H'l 26 Hi 17 Hi 8 Yellow Truck A ab.

iioiH'ioiH 23M 23M 18 15 8 40 33 108 as 1M "Ti 109 Hi 25 57 HI 31 HI 25 H' 71 lYellow A pr (7). 9 Young A 24 lYoungstown Sb A T. 1 105 1 105 1105 10 41 10 42 25 Hi 17H 3H 11 Young St 1 24HI Zenith Radio 16 Ti 2M Zonite Products I 3 tUnl- of trading 10 share. In bankruptcy or receivership or being under Bankruptcy Act, or securities assumed 3 2 4 4 20 47 17 26 16 41 25 3 reorganized by surh Companies. Hates of dividend In the forcgulnjr table are annual disbursem*nts based on the Hst quarterly or semi-annual declaration.

Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included. xdEx dividend. xrEx rtsrhts. aAlso extra or extras. ePald last year, fpayahle in stock.

gDeclared or paid so far this year. hCash or stock, Accumulated dividends paid or declared this year 9 19 7 15 Por Hie Am Tob HI l.HI IHl 11 Hi II U'l 64 I 54 HI IHl 10-Hi 51 Hi IHl 4 541 1 14MI 4 59 I 39 122'4ill Postal A Pressed Steel Car Procter A Gamble (2). Procter A (5) iPnb Serv .1 til 17 1118 ills .1 32MI 33 'j! 32 33 Hi 100M: 39 41 13 HI 88 Hi 15 Hi 9H 67 gl 5'i: 22 I 17MI 3Mi 25 Mi .12 it 46 Hi 10 Hi 35 I 109 I 49 HI 3 Mi 27 HI 1MI 10 Hi 50 HI Hi 3 i 27 I 80 Hi 86 21 Pub Serv pf (5) Pullman Co (1 Pure oil 100 4, .1 324 31 'il 33 '4j 9 I 9g 9 I i 76 '4 1 76 1 71 i .1 11 11 11 HI I 7 I 7 1 .1 61 Ml 62 I 62 8-H 74 iPure Oil 5 pf (5t 7 jPurity Bakeries (.15) 4H 37 Radio C'orp Radio Corp pf Radio-Keith Corp. I 2H 11s. 14 Hi "4 13 i 1 Mi IHl 19H 18 15H 1514- 8 Hi 8 41.

Hi 40 10 Reading (1) UHiReming Rand 1 Motor Car. 11 iRepu tlic Steel 7 M' Revere Cop A Br 4M Re.vnolds Spring Tob jRicbfield Oil he) 12 (Sateway Stores 79 (Safeway Storvs pf (7) 25 tg iSt Joseph lead (11.... lHiSt Louis-San Fr 13g jSchenley HiScluilte Bet Stores 3 (Scliulte Ret St pf 34M'scotl Paper (l.OOal... Sealtoani Air lH-Seaboard Air Line 15 (1) 47 Sears Roebuck tf HUervel Inc (1) .1 14Mi .1 "Hi i IS .1 18 Hi 15 HI .1 8 I .1 40 Hi 8 7si .1 34 Mi 34MI til09 108 33' 108' 38 387i 14 I Jsi 9 I 45T: lHi iHi 674i 15I 39 i 1 Hi 9', 45 Mi IH 19 hi 68 1 15 HI IMi Hi 9 I 45 7s! Ml lHi 19Hl 67 i 15 Hi BOND MARKET'S BRIEF SESSION NETSRECOVERY Domestic Session More Active; Foreign List Trading Spotty By the Associated Press New York. Jan.

28 Moderate recovery was the keynote in the Bond Market today, with the more active issues in the domestic section, including United States Governments, benefiting minor fractions to a point. Foreign dollar loans were spotty. Light buying demand was sufficient to keep in the advancing column such bonds as Alleghany 5s of 1949. American Telephone 3Us, Delaware and Hudson and Electric 4'2S. National Railway 4s.

Illinois Foundry 6s. Advances in the majority group as hour, with in the mover, was While attracted fractions, obligations the lightest were German which dropped Siemens and a similar around one. Automobile Washington. exports November to For the last shipments, per cent, above previous jear. M4 MH4 M2.14 M401 M-VrT M35 Mll 11211.1 M-128 MtK) M1S7 12 M427 M7S M210 SI 449 Ms 4 M221 M.114 M4-14 M.lfi.1 M2M9 SI.171 147 M41 M129 M249 SI3S8 SI455 SltiSl D7 Dlfl Dividend Actions New Yfrk.

Jan. 28 Ilivldend actions today Included: St'k of I'av- Krfunird Knte Ter'd Record able refunding 4s. Columbia Gas 5s, Cleveland Union Terminal Missouri-Kansas-Texas 5s. Dairy 3Ms and Southern A trifle backward were Central 4 3 is and Central up to 5-32 of a point were in the Government trading into the final only an occasional laRgard nearer-by maturities. Business, light.

German Government bondi support at gains of small some of the private German slumped drastically under sort of offerings. Included General Electric 6s more than 8 points, and Halske 6'2S, which suffered loss. Rome 61 is yielded Exports Up Jan. 28 iyT' The Commerce Department reports automobile increased 14 per cent, from 530.096.498 in December. quarter of 1938 automotive totaling $74,645,344, were 59 the same period of the The above bonds will be redeemed and pa on or after March 1.

upon presentation. and -aurrender, in proper torm for release from registrvtioii. to the undersigned at it! office li Baltimore. Calvert end Redwood streets. Balti more.

Maryland. The above bonds should be presented prompt ly aa interest will cease to accrue thereon on the redemption date. Interest due on that dstn will be paid by separate checks mailed to tbn registered owners of the bonds. MERCANTILE TRLST i'i PANT OP BALTIMORE. TRI STEE.

TO THE HOLDERS OK THE AIKEN MILLS FIRST MHRTUAUE SERIAL GOLD BONDS DI MARCH 1. 1944. Notice is hereby given that in a-rcordanen with the provisions of the First Mortgage Indenture dated as of March 1. 1924. from THE AIKEN MILLS to the undersigned as Trustee, the above described bond', the undersigned haa drawn by lot for redemption on March 1, 1939, at 102S of par plua accrued interest to thn redemption date, bonds of the laid iasue bearing the fo'lowing serial number: 8S6 StM 39.1 890 The above bondt will be redeemed and paid on or after March 1.

upon presentation and surrender, with March 1. 1939. and aubae-quent coupons attached, to the undersigned at its office at Baltimore. Calvert and Redwood streets. Baltimore.

Maryland, and all interest upon the laid bonds will cease to accrue on that date. Incline Ta Ownership Certificates lor the March 1. 1939. Interest must accompany tbn said bonds. MERCANTILE THCST COMPANY OF BALTIMORE (formerly Mercantile Trust and tti-pout Ccuil" of Baltimore), $.50 2-10 2-25 2 28 4-1 1.75 2-20 3-1 1.73 2-20 3-1 1.37H 2-15 3-1 1.50 2-10 3-1 .50 2-15 2-25 1.23 2-15 2-25 1.25 2-14 3-1 .30 2-13 3-1 1-27 2-1 .25 2-20 3-10 1.25 2-20 3-1 1.56 3 11 4-1 .15 3-15 4-1 .25 tj 2-13 3-1 ij 2-1 3-1 .20 2 20 3-15 .73 3 20 4-1 .75 6 20 7.1 Katon Mf- Acrumulittrri Curtis Pub $7 pf Xorw Sr pf llll 1rc lf Keeuinr Aui Capital Corp $1.50 pr pf Assoc 1'ry Goods C'r 1st pf Caterpill Tractor do 5rc pf Crown Zellerliack $5 cv pf Iletroit Gasket Mfs C'i cv pf Fall Itiv Ga- Wks Masonite do 7rr pf Paramotit I'ic fi'i- 1-t pf do li'r 2d pf td Oil of Swift lnt Co I.t.I I Gas of Canada Whitnev Nat Hk of New Orl.

do 50 1 50 Hi 50 50 ia: 7w 7h, iy o--a 25 (Comm. A pf (Hk) .1 yi. Pub,.

The Evening Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.