Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice (2024)

Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice is satisfying and nutritious family friendly keto meal. Keto peanut butter sauce is creamy and flavorful, and goes perfectly with chicken meat.

Delicious, juicy chicken in keto peanut butter sauce could be keto dinner or lunch for your whole family. My family enjoyed this tasty keto meal!

You already know how I love peanut butter. Before I started this keto lifestyle I really didn't appreciate peanut butter enough. Now, I grab peanut butter everyday and immediately getting inspiration for creating a meal or dessert.

Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice (1)


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Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice (2)


CHICKEN MEAT - for this type of keto recipe use chicken thighs or chicken breasts cut in small pieces or in small cubes. The best is a little bite size. You need to brown pieces of meat on lard, olive oil or ghee.

BLEND OF SPICES - before you start cooking you need to prepare a blend of spices for this dish. If you don't have all, don't worry, probably peanut butter will be very dominant, but we love peanut butter!

So, in this spice blend, I put salt and pepper, as a basic spices plus powdered garlic, curry powder, cayenne pepper, ground paprika, turmeric and crushed chili pepper. Cayenne pepper and crushed chili pepper you need to adapt to your taste. If you like it more spicy and hot, you can add more. Because I have a small children, I don't put too much. However, I put a little and they eat this, despite it's hot and spicy.

Also, we love to add few drops of extra hot pepper sauce directly on sauce in the plate. That's great option for hot food lovers with small children and other family members with a sensitive palates.

Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice (3)


For keto peanut butter sauce I use unsweetened peanut butter. For this amount I put 2 TBS and it's just perfect. If you want to get really peanutty flavor, put more. To make a real thick sauce, I use beef broth or chicken broth, heavy whipping cream and peanut butter. With these 3 ingredients you get thick, creamy and flavorful low carb sauce.

This peanut butter sauce is made to be served with chicken meat. Taste and flavor of this low carb peanut butter sauce is really incredible. I think I'm gonna make it sometime plane. To pour it over some veggies or any pan fried meat. I think it would go great with steamed broccoli. That might be really wonderful combo.

Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice (4)


Riced cauliflower is delicious keto side dish for this chicken recipe with peanut butter sauce. I always fry riced cauliflower on hot olive oil. Before frying cauliflower, I like to fry just a little onion. Literally the smallest onion you can find will be enough because all we need is that special caramelized onion aroma. After onion is browned, translucent and caramelized, just put riced cauliflower and fry until all the liquid is gone. At the end, if you like, ad 1 egg and stir in. It will get delicious aroma and rich taste.

Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice (5)

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Enjoy and let me know how was it!



Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice (6)

Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes

Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice is satisfying and nutritious family friendly keto meal. Keto peanut butter sauce is creamy and flavorful, and goes perfectly with chicken meat.


  • Chicken breasts or chicken thighs cut in small cubes 450 g/16 oz
  • Olive oil, lard or ghee 2 TBS
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Powdered garlic ¼ tsp
  • Curry powder 1 tsp
  • Cayenne pepper ¼ tsp
  • Ground smoked paprika 1 tsp
  • Turmeric ½ tsp
  • Crushed chili pepper to taste
  • Chicken or beef broth 1 cup
  • Unsweetened peanut butter 2 TBS
  • Heavy whipping cream ¼ cup/60 ml
  • Olive oil 1 TBS
  • 1 small onion 15 g
  • Riced cauliflower 4 cups/450 g/16 oz
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • 1 egg
  • GARNISH (optional)
  • Crushed peanuts
  • Cilantro/coriander leaves
  • Crushed chili
  • Fresh cucumbers
  • Slices of lemon or lime



  1. Combine all the spices together in a bowl or a plate and coat chicken meat cut in small cubes in spice mix.
  2. Heat the lard, olive oil or ghee and cook chicken meat coated in spices until meat is golden brown on the edges.
  3. When meat golden brown, add broth, heavy whipping cream and peanut butter.
  4. Stir everything and cook covered for 10 to 15 minutes on a medium heat.


  1. Fry finely diced onion on hot olive oil.
  2. When onion translucent and caramelized add riced cauliflower, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Stir cauliflower and fry until all the water is gone.
  4. When cauliflower is fried, add one egg and stir until egg is completely fried and combined with cauliflower.
  5. Serve hot as a side dish to chicken with peanut butter sauce.
  6. Enjoy!
Nutrition Information:

Yield: 4Serving Size: 1 cup
Amount Per Serving:Calories: 317Total Fat: 15gCarbohydrates: 5.4gNet Carbohydrates: 3.25gFiber: 2.15gProtein: 38g

This is for your information only, please calculate your own macros with ingredients you use.

Keto chicken with peanut butter sauce and cauliflower rice (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.