Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (2024)

  • 1HR
  • Serves 35
  • 30KCAL

We’re always on the hunt for delicious slimming friendly desserts, and these low calorie Profiteroles fit the bill perfectly!

Also in these categories:

A Bit Trickier Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (4)

  • Freezable Freeze before filling and decorating
  • Vegetarian


NutritionPer Serving

  • Calories30
  • Carbs3g
  • Protein1g
  • Fat1g
  • Saturates1g
  • Sugars1g
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Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (5)

For the full list of ingredients and comprehensive instructions, please see the recipe card below. Before you scroll, there’s important stuff in the blurb!

These delicious, slimming friendly Profiteroles are perfect if you’re counting calories or following a plan like Weight Watchers.

Profiteroles are one of the most indulgent desserts with all of that pastry, cream and chocolate. We’ve used reduced fat squirty cream to fill our Profiteroles which helps to make them low in calories.

You can fill these Profiteroles with anything you’d like from a low fat custard to your favourite jam, but you will need to adjust the calories and nutritional info accordingly.

They make a perfect dessert and are also a great addition to any buffet!

What diets are these Profiteroles suitable for?

This Profiteroles recipe can be made dairy free as long as you swap out the following ingredients for dairy free versions;

  • Reduced fat spread
  • Milk chocolate chips
  • Reduced fat aerosol cream

It can also be made gluten free by swapping the following ingredients for gluten free alternatives;

  • Self raising flour

Please make sure to double or triple check all of your ingredients if you’re cooking for people with allergies.

Do you need any special ingredients to make Profiteroles?

This Profiteroles recipe is pretty easy to make, but it does require a couple of kitchen tools.

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For perfect piping, you’ll need a silicone piping bag which is easy to rinse out, and can be used over and over again! You can pick one up from Amazon.

You will need a good baking tray.

How many calories are in these Profiteroles?

Each Profiterole contains 30 calories, which means they fall into our Everyday Light category.

These Profiteroles are perfect if you’re following a calorie controlled diet, and fit well with any one of the major diet plans such as Weight Watchers.

As a guide, an average man needs around 2,500kcal (10,500kJ) a day to maintain a healthy body weight. For an average woman, that figure is around 2,000kcal (8,400kJ) a day. Obviously, if your goal is to lose weight then you might want to adjust these slightly! You can read more about these recommendations on the NHS website.

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Spray two baking trays with low calorie cooking spray and line with baking parchment.

Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (9)

Step 2

Add the granulated sweetener, salt, reduced fat spread and water into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Take off the heat and mix in the flour. The mixture will look lumpy at first but persevere. Continue to mix until the mixture forms a ball and comes away from the sides of the saucepan. This will take a lot of elbow grease and may not come together for around 5 minutes.

Step 3

Add the eggs to the mixture and stir well to incorporate. It will look split at first but continue to stir until the mixture becomes glossy.

Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (10)

Step 4

Add the mixture to a piping bag with a wide nozzle. Pipe 35 profiteroles onto the trays. If there are any little “tails” just dab them down with a wet finger.

Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (11)

Step 5

Place in the oven for 40 minutes – do not open the oven door before this time or the profiteroles may collapse. After this time, turn off the oven. Take the profiteroles out and turn them over. Return to the oven, leaving the door ajar and the oven off for a further 10 minutes to completely dry out.

Step 6

When they are completely cool, poke a hole in the bottom with a skewer, take some reduced fat aerosol cream and poke the nozzle into the small hole in the base of each profiterole, squirting a small amount into each. Melt the chocolate in a microwave and drizzle over the top of the profiteroles. Serve immediately!

Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (12) Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (13)

Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (14)

What could I serve with these Profiteroles?

These Profiteroles are fantastic when served for pudding, but also work really well as part of a buffet alongside the following dishes:

Easy Peasy

  • 22MINS
  • 48KCal

Mini Strawberry Sponges

Easy Peasy

  • 15MINS
  • 32KCal

Bite Size Lemon Meringue Pies

Easy Peasy

  • 35MINS
  • 73KCal

Mint Chocolate Chip Tarts

Easy Peasy

  • 22MINS
  • 59KCal

How do you know when these Profiteroles are cooked?

You’ll need to cook your Profiteroles until they are golden for 40 minutes. Do not open the oven door any earlier than this as they may collapse.

Standard advice here in the UK is to cook food until it has reached 70°C and stayed at that temperature for 2 minutes. This is to keep your family safe.

How long can you keep Profiteroles in the fridge?

Once you’ve put it out, ideally you should eat it within 4 hours.

If you allow any leftovers to cool, make sure to refrigerate in a container with a lid and chill. You can keep leftovers of Profiteroles in the fridge for approximately 3 days or so.

Can I freeze these Profiteroles?

Yes you can! This recipe can be frozen, but please remember to do the following;

  • Freeze it as soon as it is cold enough.
  • Use a container or bag that is suitable for freezing.
  • Freeze before filling and decorating and ensure they are fully defrosted before you do decorate and fill them.

Don’t forget to add a label with what it is, and on what date you put it in the freezer!

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We’re always on the hunt for delicious slimming friendly desserts, and these low calorie Profiteroles fit the bill perfectly!
  • Freezable
  • Vegetarian
  • Cook Time

    1 HR

  • KCals 30
  • Carbs 3G
  • Serving

    35 35

    • Up
    • Down
  • Metric/Cups



  • 100 grams self raising flour
  • 100 grams reduced fat spread
  • 150 ml water
  • 2 tbsp granulated sweetener Such as Sukrin 1 or Natvia
  • A good pinch salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 25 grams milk chocolate chips
  • 9 tbsp reduced fat aerosol cream
  • low calorie cooking spray

Metric - US Customary

We use a fan assisted oven for all of our recipes. Check outour oven temperature conversion guide.

Please do not screenshot this. Recipes are updated often


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 160 degrees. Spray two baking trays with low calorie cooking spray and line with baking parchment.
  2. Add the granulated sweetener, salt, reduced fat spread and water into a saucepan and bring to the boil. Take off the heat and mix in the flour. The mixture will look lumpy at first but persevere. Continue to mix until the mixture forms a ball and comes away from the sides of the saucepan. This will take a lot of elbow grease and may not come together for around 5 minutes.
  3. Add the eggs to the mixture and stir well to incorporate. It will look split at first but continue to stir until the mixture becomes glossy.
  4. Add the mixture to a piping bag with a wide nozzle. Pipe 35 profiteroles onto the trays. If there are any little "tails" just dab them down with a wet finger.
  5. Place in the oven for 40 minutes - do not open the oven door before this time or the profiteroles may collapse. After this time, turn off the oven. Take the profiteroles out and turn them over. Return to the oven, leaving the door ajar and the oven off for a further 10 minutes to completely dry out.
  6. When they are completely cool, poke a hole in the bottom with a skewer, take some reduced fat aerosol cream and poke the nozzle into the small hole in the base of each profiterole, squirting a small amount into each. Melt the chocolate in a microwave and drizzle over the top of the profiteroles. Serve immediately!

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Looking for Slimming World Syns or Weight Watchers (WW) Points?

With ever-changing plans and point calculations, we have made the decision to remove WW Points from the website - referring to your individual plan or advice from your consultant is always going to give the most accurate results.

We agreed with Slimming World to remove their trademarked terms from our website

Find out why here

Love this Profiteroles recipe? Tag us!

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If you like these…try these

Easy Peasy

  • 5MINS
  • 64KCal


Easy Peasy

  • 25MINS
  • 344KCal

Tropical Rice Pudding

Easy Peasy

  • 35MINS
  • 76KCal

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  • 102KCal

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See what others have to say

AndreaSaturday 20th February 2021

Which reduced spread would you recommend to use for thses


    HollyMonday 22nd February 2021

    Hi Andrea, we use Flora Light spread but any other brand of light spread would work fine, hope that helps!


JessThursday 17th January 2019

When freezing would you only freeze after baking (without the chocolate and cream)
Or would halving the ingredients make half the mix? Thank you


Michelle HoulihanMonday 5th March 2018

Would brown sugar be ok to use please


KirstySunday 17th December 2017

You forgot to mention the flour. I assume this goes into the pan with the sweetener, salt, flora light and water…?


Jean StewartSunday 26th November 2017

I make profiteroles but do not add any sugar to the “dough” find it is not necessary as you have the filling and topping which for me makes it sweet enough – wonder if you have tried this


CarolThursday 16th November 2017

I know you said use immediately? Does it collapse within itself if left too long? I want to make these for a buffet party and will need to keep it for a couple hours. I usually make full fat stuff but this sounds just as good! Thanks


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Profiteroles - Pinch Of Nom (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6316

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.